
Showing posts from February, 2018

Ways To Restore Your Inner Strength

Black, White, Brown, Skinny, Fat, Rich, Poor, none of that matters if you're strong and beautiful from the inside. Here's a few tips which may help you enhance your inner strength. Believe in yourself : No power in this world break you if you truly believe in yourself and no power in this world can fix you if you don't. Insecurity is the biggest enemy of inner strength. No matter what your appearance is, no matter what race you belong to, stop blaming yourself for it, stop trying to change yourself for it, to impress others. Instead, try improving what's inside. You need to have faith in yourself, know yourself, and focus on the people that love you for who you are, and I'm sure there's many of where that came from. Once you believe in yourself, trust me, there's no one that can break you. Find the right circle : Another important factor that counts when you're working on your inner strength is your friend circle. This is something yo...

The Little Big Things That Make Us Happy

What makes us happy? It's the little things in our everyday lives that happen and make us happy. It's all in the little things that can brighten up our day. The reason I named this blog "The little big things that make us happy" is because there's certain things in life that are the ultimate source of happiness for us or things that can brighten up our day but at the same time have little to no meaning in other peoples hearts. 1. The Sky : I had to put this as number one because let's face it I absolutely love the sky. And not just the night sky but the sky at anytime of the day. Call me crazy but I can't help it. Just looking at the sky makes me feel relaxed and happy. It often leaves me with a million thoughts and ways to look at the world. Its like a portal to endless possibilities. It gives me liberty. But at the same time there's plenty of people I know that think I'm crazy for being happy looking at the sky ! 2. Music : ...

What NOT to tell someone who has anxiety

 Hello people from the lovely planet! It's me Zoha and today I'll be taking you through what anxiety feels like and what not to tell someone that has anxiety. It can be pretty hard for someone that's going through it and for others to understand what exactly triggers that person. What Anxiety feels like : Anxiety can be painful. As someone that goes through it I find it hard to describe but I'll give it a go. If someone has anxiety, its like they're trapped inside their own selves and there's certain things that may trigger them at any moment so they need to stay cautious. Anxiety and Panic attacks don't ask before coming, they take us by surprise. There's certain things that may trigger our anxiety but everyone has different things, my anxiety gets triggered by loud places, I can't go out to watch a movie in the cinema cause I know I'll get an attack. If there's two people yelling or many people peaking at the same time, if the TV i...