Ways To Restore Your Inner Strength
Black, White, Brown, Skinny, Fat, Rich, Poor, none of that matters if you're strong and beautiful from the inside. Here's a few tips which may help you enhance your inner strength.
Believe in yourself :
No power in this world break you if you truly believe in yourself and no power in this world can fix you if you don't. Insecurity is the biggest enemy of inner strength. No matter what your appearance is, no matter what race you belong to, stop blaming yourself for it, stop trying to change yourself for it, to impress others. Instead, try improving what's inside. You need to have faith in yourself, know yourself, and focus on the people that love you for who you are, and I'm sure there's many of where that came from. Once you believe in yourself, trust me, there's no one that can break you.
Find the right circle :
Another important factor that counts when you're working on your inner strength is your friend circle.
This is something you shouldn't be selfless about. Ask yourself, if you're happy with these people. Having friends that love you for who you are, are essential. If you can change yourself for them, then you must change your circle for yourself. Keep company with those who celebrate you and feed positive energy into your life. It sure will hurt you when you change your friends. It's never easy, but you'll later realise. One sour person can take down the whole community.Take care of yourself :
Remember, none of these will work if you don't have a sound mind. And for that you need to take care of yourself. Eat well, exercise and dress in a way that makes you feel confident about yourself. You should be proactive about your health, and use your body to strengthen your soul. Make sure you don't go on those crazy diets where you starve for days. You're hurting yourself through that.
Love Yourself :
All the points that I mentioned above are all connected to self love. Now loving yourself clearly doesn't mean going overboard and being over confident. It basically means that you need to know that you're perfect the way you are, you don't need to change yourself for anyone. Also that you're the only one that knows yourself, so the next time someone judges you, remember that their words won't change you. You do you.
You need to believe in yourself. Stop being selfless and know that you come first. You're not worthless, you're here in this world for a purpose, we're all here for a purpose. Before you ever think of wasting yourself, think of the people that actually love you, you matter, and that's what's important.
Peace Out,
Zoha X
Amazing. 😍 Help for many!