What NOT to tell someone who has anxiety

 Hello people from the lovely planet!
It's me Zoha and today I'll be taking you through what anxiety feels like and what not to tell someone that has anxiety. It can be pretty hard for someone that's going through it and for others to understand what exactly triggers that person.

What Anxiety feels like :

Anxiety can be painful. As someone that goes through it I find it hard to describe but I'll give it a go.
If someone has anxiety, its like they're trapped inside their own selves and there's certain things that may trigger them at any moment so they need to stay cautious. Anxiety and Panic attacks don't ask before coming, they take us by surprise. There's certain things that may trigger our anxiety but everyone has different things, my anxiety gets triggered by loud places, I can't go out to watch a movie in the cinema cause I know I'll get an attack. If there's two people yelling or many people peaking at the same time, if the TV is too loud, it all triggers me. 

There's some certain things that we people that go through anxiety hate to hear :

1. Being told we're boring because we don't try new things :

 If someone has anxiety and gets panic attacks they're usually cautions and don't exactly try new things not because we don't want to, simply because we can't but if we say that, you won't understand us anyways.
So the next time someone says no to something, you don't judge them, live your life and we'll live ours.

2. "You'll be fine!" :

I'm not even exaggerating when  say that I hate those words. Fine we get it you're being nice but Anxiety is something so strong that if we don't tell ourselves everyday before getting out of bed that we'd either not get out of our rooms ever or would've died at this point. Instead why don't you try rephrasing that that sentence, something like "I don't know how you're feeling, but I'll try to help you out and I'll be all ears when you need to rant"

3. Yes we don't like talk about our problems to you :

1. We don't know how to describe it.
2. Read reason number 2.


4. Don't tell us to socialize :

Like I said, anxiety won't knock on your door and seek permission to enter, it'll barge in just like that, often it happens that I'm sad and I want to be alone, those are the days where literally everyone tells me I'm too selfish and boring, but nobody understands.

This list could go on forever but I thinks this is all I'll write for now.
Let me just say this, anxiety is real and it gives a hard time to whoever it has targeted, please be aware of the people around you, please try to help them out when they're having a hard time, please don't force them to do things that require them to step out of their comfort zone.

Peace Out,



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