What It Feels Like To Be Lost

"Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves." - Henry David Thoreau

At one point in life, we all feel lost. Everyone has a different cause for it. Its not necessary that you only feel like this once, I feel lost a lot, I still feel lost as I'm writing this. We usually feel lost if life takes a direction we didn't expect it to.

For me, when I feel lonely, when I don't have anyone to talk to, I'd feel lost. It's like absolute chaos in my mind. I have a hundred thoughts at once and  I'm sensitive. I don't speak much, and surprisingly no one takes the hint. If I could, I would spend my entire day in my room drawing and listening to music. 

There's some people that feel this so much that they don't mind living with it now, it leaves and returns. Feeling lost is pretty much like depression, fortunately, it can be helped.


The first step to help yourself is the acceptance that you feel this way. If you deny your feelings it will only result in destruction of yourself. It's okay to feel lost, we all feel this.

Once you do accept it, write it all down, how you feel, this will lighten the weight from your shoulders.

Taking Care of yourself 
Taking care of yourself is vital. Having a proper diet, exercising
These feelings often ruin our sleep schedule but meditating is the key. 

Finding an escape

This is my personal favorite method to get myself back on track. 
I would say talking to someone about it would help but honestly since I don't have anyone like that I know it isn't easy thus I didn't recommend it. 

Finding an escape means doing something you love to distract yourself. I personally plug in my headphones and draw. It helps.
I have a specific sketchpad where I draw or write on days like these, and when I look back on my happy days, I'm often surprised by how dark my life can be!

This also helps you find your passion. It can often help you find yourself.

 I hope you found it helpful or could relate to it.



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